Friday, July 29, 2016

In April, Governor Inslee signed the bill authorizing up to $1,000,000 of unused funds in the RCO’s $34.7 million appropriation to be used for “further planning, acquisition, and development of the Olympic discovery trail project between Discovery Bay and the trail's intersection with the Larry Scott trail in Jefferson county, without requiring matching resources.”

Trail Funding

Because of this authorization, funds are now available to the County to proceed with a route planning study for the Eaglemount section of the Olympic Discovery Trail, as authorized in the County’s 2016-2021 Transportation Improvement Plan.  To obtain the funds, the County must enter into a contract with the RCO setting out the terms and conditions by which a grant for the project is made.  Jeff Bohman of the Peninsula Trails Coalition contacted Rep. Tharinger, who confirmed that the RCO would guide access to the funds.  

Contacts with Public Works Department

Recognizing that the County’s Public Works employees are very busy, I contacted Eric Kuzma and offered to assist in any way I could to move the route planning project forward with the RCO.  Eric said he would contact me if he thought I could help. 

Earlier in April – before the funding legislation was signed by the Governor – Jeff Selby and I briefly discussed with Eric the grant funding issues that had come up regarding the Discovery Bay section of the ODT.  Eric raised the possibility of some of the appropriated money being used to resolve the issues.  To me, considering the safety problems at the head of the Bay, it might be OK to use some of the funds for that section if there is no other way to resolve the grant funding issues.  There is at least some theoretical possibility that could be done.  However, the legislative language makes clear that the $1 million is intended first for  route planning, second for property acquisition (once authorized by the County), and third for route development.  

Following our discussion, Eric confirmed that the  legislatively approved funding had been "well received" by the County, and indicated that the next step will be a meeting with RCO to discuss strategies to move the project forward.

County Commissioners Meeting

Also in April, Jeff Selby and I attended a County Commissioners meeting to inform them of the funding legislation and thank them for setting the process in motion by including the project on the TIP.  I provided them with copies of the relevant section of the bill.  Both Jeff and I acknowledged that only a route study has been authorized at this point, and that the next steps by the County (acquisition and development) depends on the results of the study. After our comments, Commissioner Kler thanked Norm Dicks and Steve Tharinger for putting their weight behind the funding effort.  She also recognized Public Works Director Monte Reinders for doing a “terrific job” with County road problems and said she could not thank him enough

Contact with Planning Commission Regarding Comprehensive Plan

During the month I again talked with Cynthia Koan, chair of the County Planning Commission, and reminded her of my offer to assist and of the importance of including the ODT-Eaglemount section in the County’s updated comprehensive plan.  Cynthia told me that she and the staff are currently working on Planning Commission procedures, which are almost complete.  She again expressed her support for the trail.  She asked me to send her a “short and sweet” memo about what needs to be included in the updated comprehensive plan to support the trail – with as much specificity as possible.  I said I’ll do it (but I haven’t done it yet). 

Corridor Tours With Candidate Consultants

During the month, Jeff Selby and I toured the ODT-E corridor, on bicycles, with three candidates for the route planning contract with the County:  Steve Durrant of Alta Planning + Design; Ahmis Loving of Loving Engineering & Consulting; and Dan Ireland of SCJ Alliance Consultants.   Each spent almost a full day touring the area, exploring various sections, and considering route alternatives.  All are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and cabable (and strong cyclists). 

The County will probably select the route planning consultant from a roster maintained by the Municipal Research Services Center (MRSC).  This is a shared database used by various participating local agencies throughout the State of Washington.  The County does not maintain rosters separate from those provided by MRSC.  Alta, Loving and SRC are all on the MRSC roster.  

Statement of Work

In April I revised my draft Statement of Work (SOW) for the consultant’s contract, and circulated it to some board members of the Peninsula Trails Coalition for their review and comment.  After some vigorous discussions I re-revised it.     

PNNST Advisory Committee – Subcommittee Meeting

Finally, in April the western Washington subcommittee of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail Advisory Committee met in Quilcene.  We discussed in some detail the progress that has been made regarding the ODT-Eaglemount section.  I again suggested that the federal government, which will be sharing the new trail with the City, County and State, should share in its cost.  

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