Monday, September 12, 2016

Today (September 12, 2016), the Jefferson County Commissioners unanimously adopted a 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) which includes, as project #10, the ODT -- Discovery Bay to Larry Scott Trail Connection, to "[c]onduct route feasibility study, right-of-way acquisition and possible construction."  Here's the TIP entry:

The TIP includes a map roughly showing the ODT-Eaglemount trail in blue which, according to the map legend, means "Funding Secured":

The TIP states the costs of the project as $950,000, to be expended over three years -- $300,000 in 2017; $500,000 in 2018; and $150,000 in 2019.

The legislative authorization was for $1,000,000.  Presumably the remaining $50,000 has been allocated by the County for administration of the project.  Within the last month or so, the County has hired John Fleming-- an experienced, enthusiastic and capable engineer, long-time resident of Jefferson County, and strong bike rider, to manage both the ODT-Eaglemount project and the ODT-Discovery Bay project at the head of the Bay.  At today's BOCC meeting Commissioner Sullivan commented favorably about John's hire, complementing him on his skills and geologic knowledge of the area.  John has already spent several hours with Jef Selby and me, on his own time, reconnoitering various possible routes -- and subtly demonstrating the difference between an amateur (me) and a pro.  

John is preparing to proceed with the engagement of a consultant -- hopefully very soon.

Four years, 348 days to go.  We've got to move faster.    

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